Recruitment and Classification

Our Services

Enhancing the candidate experience

The Recruitment and Classification unit performs a comprehensive program in hiring, career advancement and position classification of government employees.


The Division of Personnel introduces two new recruitment programs, the U.S. Army Partnership for Your Success (PaYS) Program and the Reentering Retirees’ Program (RRP).

The PaYS Program ensures qualified Soldiers an interview and potential employment upon leaving the Army. For more information, please visit the PaYS Program on our New Recruitment Program's webpage.

The Reentering Retiree’s Program addresses workforce shortages in the Government of the Virgin Islands and brings retired professionals back into service. To inquire about this program, please visit Reentering Retiree's Program on our New Recruitment Program's webpage.

Click this link to go directly, to the Army PaYS Program and Reentering Retiree's Webpage.


Additional Information

The Recruitment section performs:
  • Employment Application Processing
  • Applicant Interviews
  • Test Administration
  • Certification Preparation
  • Career Counseling
  • High School /College Job Fairs
  • Position Classification
  • Job Specification Development
  • Position Allocations
  • Test Development

Our Recruitment Team

Need to sign up for a Promotional Exam?

Examination methods have changed from paper to electronic forms effective June 1, 2020.

Millicent Aubain | SHRM-SCP, IPMA-SCP, LSSYB

Territorial Administrator of Recruitment and Classification

340-774-8588 ext. 5116

Ignacio Llanos

Human Resources Specialist

340-718-8588 ext. 4025

Kima-I Martin

Human Resources Specialist

340-774-8588 ext. 5118

Zolymar Garcia

Senior Recruitment and Classification Specialist

340-718-8588 ext. 4028

Loretta David

Recruitment and Classification Specialist

340-774-8588 ext. 5121

Chemyne Ible-John

Recruitment and Classification Specialist

340-718-8588 ext. 4024

Cindy Francis

Recruitment and Classification Technician

340-718-8588 ext. 4038