
Scroll down for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and PERFORM Employee/Supervisor training videos.

How do I access NEOGOV Perform?

  1. You can access perform by going to the following website
  2. You can also access NEOGOV Perform through the notification email that you received notifying you that your account is active or that your evaluation has started. All notifications from NEOGOV Perform will come to your GVI Email.
  3. When you get to the webpage, you will need to enter your username and email address.

What is my username and password?

  1. Your username is the same as your GVI email address and if you are an Insight user it is the same password.
  2. If you are not a current user, you will receive an email link with a temporary password. You will need to reset your password immediately using the following criteria.
  • Password must use twelve (12) or more characters with a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols (example: %$#@& *!).
  • Password must not be the same as the current password or one of the previously used passwords.
  • Password must not be a commonly used word or phrase.
  • Password cannot contain first name, last name, or username.

What happens if I forget my password?

  1. If you forget your password, go to and click on “Forgot your username or password.” This will take you to a page where you can request to rest your password in Perform.
  2. Please note that the password criteria remain the same whether you are setting a new password or resetting.
  3. Perform will periodically ask you to change your password.

Who will conduct my evaluation?

  1. Your immediate supervisor will conduct your performance evaluation. The Human Resources representative of your agency provided us with this information.
  2. You can view your assigned immediate supervisor in Perform by clicking on your name which is located on the top right corner of your screen.
  3. This will open a menu. Click on My Profile.

How different is this from the traditional paper evaluations?

  1. Perform recreated the traditional paper evaluations and converted it into a digital format.
  2. The evaluation uses nineteen (19) core competencies to rate all and an additional six supervisor competencies that are specific to manager evaluations.
  3. Perform requires that a second person in the chain of command reviews and approves all applications (when applicable) before the process is complete.

When do I meet with my immediate supervisor in person?

  1. While Perform occurs online, there are two steps that require a face to face or virtual meetings with your immediate supervisor. The first one is in the Before Ratings stage and the second one is in the After Ratings stage.
  2. These meetings provide you and your supervisor with an opportunity to discuss the evaluation in the beginning and after you both complete your ratings.

How long will the evaluation process take?

  1. The evaluation has three stages, Before Ratings, Ratings, and After Ratings.
  2. There is no rule to complete the evaluation in one day. There entire process can take place over 2 months, and it can vary depending on when each person completes their steps in the evaluation process.
  3. A video outlining the steps of the evaluation process is available on the DOP website.

How will I know when the evaluation process starts?

  1. All notifications in NEOGOV Perform will go to your GVI email address.
  2. Everyone involved in the evaluation process will receive an email letting them know that the evaluation process has started.
  3. When you receive this email, you will be able to review the evaluation content and the steps in the evaluation process.
  4. The first step in the evaluation process is for your immediate supervisor or rater of record.
  5. You can learn more about this by viewing the employee and supervisor videos on Perform on the DOP website.

What do I do if I do not get an email notification about my performance evaluation or one of my employees did not get an email about their performance evaluation?

  1. Please contact the Human Resources representative of your agency to let them know that you did not get an email notification.

What do I need to do when the evaluation process begins?

  1. Check your email for the link to access your evaluation and click on it.
  2. When you log into Perform, the dashboard will show you your current task as well as any of your overdue tasks.
  3. Click on the task and follow the steps. There is an instructional video on the Division of Personnel’s website that walks you through steps in the evaluation process.

How will I know when the evaluation process ends?

  1. The current evaluation process concludes when the employees complete the last step in the process. NEOGOV Perform sends an email to everyone involved in the evaluation once the employee completes the last step.
  2. You will be able to download a PDF copy of your completed evaluation.
  3. You can learn more about this by viewing the evaluation processes videos on the DOP website.

How will I know if I need to complete a step in Perform?

  1. You will get a reminder to your GVI email every time you have a task. All employees and immediate supervisors will receive an email notifying them when they need to perform a task in the evaluation process or if a task is overdue.
  2. Each task in the evaluation process is dependent on the completion of the previous task.
  3. This instructional video on the DOP's website provides more information on this.

Who do I contact if I have questions about the evaluation process?

  1. Please contact your Human Resources representative at your agency if you have questions about the evaluation process.

Will the result of my current evaluation be available to me during my future evaluations?

  1. Yes, any goals set by you and your immediate supervisor will carry over to your next evaluation.
  2. Perform also lets you track your performance over time in the Reports section of the program.

After the evaluation is over, will I still have access to the old evaluation?

  1. You can access your past evaluations in NEOGOV Perform.
  2. You can access them by clicking on My Profile and selecting Evaluations.
  3. You can view past evaluations, download them in PDF format or print them.

Do you need to be in the office to complete a step in the evaluation?

  1. Evaluations are confidential and we recommend completing the steps and reviewing the results in a secure area using a secure device.
  2. You can access the evaluation and complete it using a desktop, laptop, or mobile device.

Who can view my evaluation?

  1. Your evaluation is private and the only persons who can viewed it are you, your immediate supervisor, and the person they report directly to.
  2. The head of your department/agency and the Human Resources Manager will also be able to view your evaluation.
  3. Other employees and persons outside of your agency DO NOT have access to your evaluation or evaluation records.

What are Journal entries?

  1. Journal entries are a private feature in the program that allows you to make and send yourself notes about things that you accomplished throughout the year.
  2. Journal entries are always private unless you choose to share them with your supervisor and the next person in the chain of command if you want.
  3. You can access and create Journal entries from the dashboard or under My Profile.
  4. You can also access your journal entries during the Ratings stage of the evaluation.  For employees this will be the Self-Rating step and for supervisors this will be the Rating step.
  5. There is a video on journal entries for employees and supervisors on the DOP's website.

Why does my email notification from Perform say probation?

  1. The performance evaluation can be used for annual and probationary evaluations.  It does not mean that you are on probation.  It is the title of the program.

Why am I getting more than one email about my employee's performance evaluation?

  1. The first email you are getting is to notify you about the start of the evaluation process.
  2. The second email is to notify you about the task assigned to you.

Need assistance with troubleshooting Perform? Please reach out to us by completing the NEOGOV Perform Employee Inquiry Form.

Click here, to download the Frequently Asked Questions listed above.

Video Description
00:00 - Start
00:18 - Introduction Overview
01:02 - Key People in Performance Evaluation
01:44 - Performance Evaluation Stage Overview
02:09 - Performance Evaluations Stage Details

                Video Description
                00:00 - Performance Evaluation Overview
                01:03 - Employee Log in to Perform
                01:13 - Employee Unified Dashboard at Evaluation Start
                01:22 - Check Email Notifications
                01:57 - Employee Performance Section and My Evaluations
                02:17 - Employee to Review Evaluation Content and Processes
                04:00 - Identify Next Steps

                Video Description
                00:00 - Log in Page
                00:24 - Employee Unified Dashboard
                00:45 - Employee Notification Center
                02:06 - Employee Profile Page
                02:59 - Change Password Criteria
                04:35 - Employee Tasks Menu
                05:15 - Employee People and Organizational Chart Page
                05:39 - Employee Performance Page
                07:35 - Employee Reports Page
                08:07 - Employee Journal Entries

                Video Description
                00:00 - Start
                00:09 - Employee Log in
                00:14 - Employee Unified Dashboard Evaluation Tasks
                00:23 - Employee Acknowledgement Step
                01:04 - Employee Self-Rating of Core Competencies
                04:50 - Employee Narratives Section
                05:34 - Marker 1
                05:51 - Employee Overall Rating
                06:28 - Employee Submit Self Rating
                07:01 - Employee After Ratings Next Step

                Video Description
                00:00 - Start
                00:13 - Employee After Rating Steps
                00:40 - Employee View Evaluation Before Signing
                01:28 - Employee View and Sign Evaluation after Meeting with Manager

                Video Description
                00:00 - Supervisor Log in
                00:24 - Supervisor Unified Dashboard
                00:48 - Supervisor Email Notifications
                01:51 - Supervisor Employee Profile
                02:55 - Supervisor Password Criteria
                03:34 - Supervisor Unified Dashboard Items
                04:40 - Supervisor Task Menu
                05:20 - Supervisor People Section
                07:12 - Supervisor Performance Section
                09:35 - Supervisor Journal Hub
                10:14 - Supervisor Reports Section
                11:35 - Supervisor Journal Hub and Entries

                Video Description
                00:00 - Perform Stages
                01:02 - Perform Supervisor Log in
                01:11 - Supervisor Unified Dashboard
                01:33 - Supervisor Evaluation Task
                02:35 - Supervisor Review of Evaluation Before Starting
                03:21 - Supervisory Performance Evaluation Example
                03:51 - Return to Test Employee Evaluation
                04:41 - Supervisor Evaluation View: Process Section
                05:40 - Supervisor Check-in Step